What happened to the good ole days where I would just sit down and write my thoughts? Now for the next two weeks I'm going to write a little funny/cute experience that happened during my day. If you would like, go ahead and join me! Now, besides the fact that I'm am typing this instead of working on my English essay... I will enjoy this experience and hope that it might brighten my day. I may or may not have pictures that go along with this moment. Granted, I try to have my cellphone or iTouch with me at all times. (which both have handy dandy cameras)
Anyways, today's happy moment is probably something that I maybe should have not done..but..whatever. Ya know, I'm thinking I must fit into this "teenager" attitude sometime. Anyways where were we??? Oh yes, umm. Today in my Science class me and my awesome friend Katie (coincidence? I think not!) were complaining about how much we really don't enjoy that certain class when this wonderful idea came up in my noggin. My thoughts exactly: hey, why don't I just bring my iTouch out and take some funny pics? I know, I know it's sad that I think in text-language. So I pulled that baby out and took this picture.
Yeah, we're pretty much the best Freshmen you'll ever meet! So yeah, I hope that at least made you think that we were really cool cats or something..I'm sure there will be a better one tomorrow..well I guess I better get on that essay. :(
Wish me luck!
- Catiedid :D
Your poor teachers. They never knew what hit them. I don't mind you taking pics in school just as long as you get your homework done and you're not too distracting to your fellow classmates. Because they need to get good grades in school too, right? (Sorry, that was totally the Mom coming out in me.) Looks like fun!
You see... I can totally picture how clueless your teacher is!! Haha I know what you mean though since I have a teacher that I could do anything in that class and they wouldn't care! Oh and thank you for your thoughts ^_^ in lengthy paragraphs!
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