Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Midnight Milano

So, Allison and I had some MORE fun! And a sugar high! But those Milanos man....they're addicting! So um...yeah here are some pretty hilarious pictures.

Ping Pong Party

So.... Allison and I were acting like idiots and having some fun. So we dressed up and everything and got my new camera, and we pretended to sing to "Do You Know (The Ping Pong Song)"! If you go to to see the hilarious bloopers. Hope you enjoy us being idoits!!!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Here We Are!!!

So I think we all had a fantastic Christmas. And suprisingly most of the people I know got cameras! But you know I guest I can share.....just kidding;). We went around and saw like....everyone! It was awesome, an exasting! So Morley and Ginny decided that they just had to come and sleepover with us!!! Just kidding, the snow was very bad. But you know, I like to pretend that is was the other way.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Here We Come!!!

I am SO excited! And I think we all are! We get time off for time to share with family. And I think one my most favorite things is that WE GET 2 WEEKS OFF FROM SCHOOL!!!


Question: What are these???

So mother and I made some DELICOUS dipped pretzels on Saturday! We decided to make butterschotch and it was fun, messy, and very Christmas-y to make. We put lots of different kinds of spkinkles on them and I took many pictures. Sadly, most of them are very blury. Sorry, but please try to enloys these pictures that I took.

New Boots! (II)

So, once again I got new boots! These ones were only twelve dollars and I think they are pretty....pretty! The are suade and a brownish color. So, yeah hope ya' like em'!

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, and Let It STICK!!!

So yes, you heard me right I am a little irritated by how it snows like crazy and then the next day just melts away. There is still a little snow on the groung but nothing like Christmas Break is suppose to fell like! Ahhh! Oh well, I am sure it will snow a good amount before Christmas starts. But as you can see I also found the snow a fantastic time to get some fantanstic lighting!

Monday, December 1, 2008

8th Period "fun"

So in my 8th period we have computers. Well those computers happen to be imacs. I know, lucky. Unfortunaltly we don't have the nicest teacher.....acually I would have to say that he is probably the meanest one. Well anyway, we had this program where we got to take pictures and then draw on them. It was pretty fun! We got to burn a CD of all of the stuff we worked on, I only saved one of my pictures but....oh well. Here it is....and my "fantastic" school picture.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Sunday, November 16, 2008


So here is another video. Hope you enjoy!

Which One?

Okay, I took these pictures and I don't know which one to pick for my main pic. on my blog. Or should I? I have no idea HELP! Leave comments please.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Silly PIctures: Woodlands Edition

Over the years we have collected some pretty hilarious pictures of you woodlands! But I must admit, Dave doesn't have ANY pictures!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Happy Halloween!

For Halloween I went to a party and watched a scary movie called the Others. And ate some delious popcorn balls, cupcakes, root beer, and candy gallor! I also got to see Charity, Dave, Morgan, Tegan, AND Sandon. Waaphhheww....that was a long list! But anyway and dad got some very cute pictures! Abe and I also carved pumpkins. Ab
's is the good one (the awesome head and mine was the spider web)

Martha Stewart Eat Your Heart Out!!!

So not too long ago Charity came over and I had a little too much fun with Dad's camera. Poor Charity she was probably getting SO annoyed with me:$.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

MY??? Yearbook

So I saw this on Charity's blog and I thought it was the funniest thing. I just had to try it so check out me from the 60's! p.s. the website is called

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Is everyone preparred to read this? Okay then, were we go!

Rules: Link the person that tagged you, Ginny. Mention these rules on your blog. Tell 6 unspectacular quirks about yourself and tag 6 fellow bloggers. (sorry I used Charity's rules).

1. If my hands aren't moisterized I got completely crazy! I don't know why, I just get really angery if I don't have lotion.

2. I can't stand eating off of wood. If I am at Panda or whatever I have to bite off the food.

3. I also can't stand when people scratch paper. GIVES ME THE CHILLS!!!

4. If I have toast, I have to have butter on all the little spaces. It drives me crazy if I don't have butter on most of the bread.

5. Sometimes when I turn off my alarm in the mornings. I turn it off and then just go back to sleep. I know, I am usually a morning person ;).

6. I am such a perfectionest! I don't like anything that is not where it is suppose to be where it is suppose to be, I try to fix it. ALTHOUGH if it is to a certain degree I do not fix it. I guess I am just too lazy. :$

Friday, September 26, 2008


So dad and I went to PTA (parent teacher cofernece..conference)((that looks better!)) and I offically have.....
English- A-
Art- A
Math Level 7- A
Typing- B
Advisory (organization)- P(participation)
Science- B
Gym- A
CTE(career teghnology education)((TLC))- A

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Just to tell you... I was very hyper then. So don't go thinkin' I am a goofball, even though I have been called that before:).

NEW SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Man who doesn't like getting new shoes!? Okay I got new shoes (as you can probably tell from the title). But they are 4" heels and they are freakin' awesome!!! Check out these EXCLUSIVE pictures. Mom also got my 2nd choice, which was her first choice shoes! They are freakin' AWESOME too (they are the all black ones)

Chalk Drawings

Yesterday I drew with some chalk. Abe always calls me "Coocoo for Cocoa Puffs" so I drew a HUGE drawing of the logo. By the way, while I am typing I am half not looking at the keyboard!!! Some of the keys I haven't learned yet so...... yeah. ANYWAY, I also drew the Trix logo. And I think they look AWESOME!!!