Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Don't forget to check this out! It's going to be a daily update thing. So CHECK IT! allisonfoxy.blogspot.com
It's going to be pretty much awesome!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Blonde Jasmine?!

Okay, okay. Some of you might know that my hobby is..well, makeup. And I watch makeup tutorials on YouTube. Well, there seemed to be a lot of Jasmine tutorials coming out lately. For Girls Camp our theme this year is princesses..our's is Jasmine. So...I watched these and I thought that maybe I could do this makeup for Abby (who is going to be Jasmine in our skit) and I got so excited that I thought, "hey, why don't I try a...blonde Jasmine?" So I did some of the things that the tutorials said to do (the crazy drawn-in/cartoon eyebrows) but with browns (a color that looks less harsh on blondes) and just..went for it.

Yeah, the eyebrows might have been much. Hey, it's hard trying to look like a cartoon!  Want a video? Think it's creepy? 
Leave a comment!
There we go. Back to normal, invisible eyebrowed self. Phew!
ps, don't forget to check out the last video! 

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Friday, May 20, 2011

Far is as Far as it Goes

(Day 5)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

8 Days..I mean 6

Hi. Nobody is going to ever read this. But hey, look at that, there's 8 days of school left...but then I figured out that there were really only 6...so...hehe heheh this is quite AWKWARD!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

9 Days


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

10 Days!...?

Monday, May 16, 2011

This counts as Day 11! Enjoy and please comment! And DONT FORGET to watch the video after the last post! BYE! :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

12. Days. Until. School. Is. Over!

You heard me folks! 12 days. It's pretty exciting...You know how excited I am? ....
 I'm that excited.
Sorry. That was taken on my mom's laptop. So I'm pretty stoked. There's cookies in the oven.
So, I'm going to be counting down until the last day of school. Now stop. I know what ya'll are thinking, "oh! Catherine always says that but she never follows through." Well, shut that yapper. I'm going to try!
So..if you didn't notice I added some new gadgets onto my blog.
1. The search option, this magical thing allows you to search any of my post and it will link you to some post. (ex. Aine)
2. I had pages but I couldn't figure out how to post just on that page.
3. On the right upper side of this post it tells you to subscribe to my public channel. Go ahead, do it.

Well, cookie time!
Check out that hilarious video below this post please! :)
And COMMENT on both post...imagine it like a discusion.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Listen to it Crackle.

It was so fun to make this video! Man, Abby cracks me up..like ice. ;) No seriously, she pushes my funny buttons.