Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Please Excuse My Tardy....

Sorry. Anyways.....hee hee. So um.....this first song is me playing Angels We Hav Heard On High. I've decided to get more fancy songs day by day.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

An Announcement.

I will be starting the Christmas-Count-Down on December 15th. Please wish me luck with a very stressful day. I have a total of 4 MAYJOR events. First, and most important, FAITH'S BIRTHDAY! Second is the ASL (American Sign Language) song, my choir concert, and the beginning of a glorious count down. Acually, don't expect much....I figure that watching my hands reach for the high note of Angels We Have Heard on high is below entertaining. I hope that you however, enjoy Allison and I making fools of ourselves! :) So, yeah.....ummm..I hope that you are even interested. My self-esteem of bloggin' has seemed to lower.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Another Idea.

So, I was think about Christmas. Of course, I got excited and thought "What if everyday I would put some Christmas song on my blog?". What do you guys think...please leave a comment (I am lacking those) about what you think. It would probably be either Allison and I lip-singing a Christmas song ridiculously, or me playing a Christmas song on my piano.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Magical Moments know how the drill goes... Allison and I make funny videos (at least, we think they're funny) and we put them online.
1st Song: Hey Stephen-Taylor Swift
2nd Song: That's How You Know-Amy Adams
3rd Song: Feeling Good-Michael Buble
4th Song: That's Amore-James Marsden

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tomato Sauce Aine

Aine cracks me up! When she was over when Faith was having Tanner we happened to have spaghetti. I got some cute photos.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


The object to this lesson is....APPLES! Nice an' red an' juiCAAAYYY! I love it. Perfect. I don't want to shag sjkfdao. There's two. black. and. one white.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Picture of the Day #8

 I think I owe some one an apology, Ginny I am sorry! I did figure out that I use...a...couple of your my pictures of the day:(. So, there you go! Happy now! ANYWAYS! So these pictures are random.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Picture of the Day.....#7?

Howdy! Did I already use that one.....hmmmm.....anyways! Here ya go food day!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Picture of the Day #5


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Picture of the Day #4

I'm sad. :( I have no comments! Except for that one from Faith....I hope that bring this up will help the comments!

Picture of the Day #3

Please excuse the fact that this was published one day after it was suppose to....hee hee. Any ways....

Monday, September 21, 2009

Picture of the Day #2

The picture of Charity is awesome..can't you see a little Angelina Jolie??? I know that the picture of the flowers is a little blury, but I think the lighting for it is cool!

Okie, so here is #2 of the Picture of the Day series! If you have any suggestions of what I should call this thing, please comment! Here it is:

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Picture of the Day Launch!!!

Congrats! You have been waiting...for a while...and it's finally here! That's right folks, for a week I will be putting one or more pictures on my blog EVERYDAY! So son't forget to check! And now I presenting the very first picture of the pictures of the day!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Birthday Outfit/Haircut

Charity, this one's for you. Charity told me to blog this so I am. I got a new outfit for my birthday...I am wearing Miley Cyrus shoes, and a Taylor Swift tunic....hmmmmm....oh well!:) And as you can see I am wearing leggings.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Pictures. Of the Day?

I am thinking of doing a post everyday of the week. And they are called pictures of the day. I usually put these pictures on my desktop...but I am running out of days! So notice that I put a S after the word picture. Do yu guys think it is a good idea???

Monday, July 20, 2009


Abe and I started to make the Parthanon....or whatever after we played Jenga for family night. It look pretty sweet so..why not go further!? So we did. And we made this little scene for ya'll. I am think about making more of these little scenes, except it impersonates a movie scene. If you have any suggestions, please leave a comment from the link below:! By the way, in every single "toy scene" that is made there shall be the little doopey character hidden, or put in know. ENJOY!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hilarious Videos II

Allison and I made these videos on a sleepover at twelve in the mornin'. If you would like the see the more awesome version. Come to my house. The bloopers will be on Allison's blog.....once she puts them there!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Hi Ya'lls!

No, Charity I haven't put those cookie pictures on....sorry. They turned out well! Thanks for the recipe! Anyways, Hello my fellow Earthians! I know, I know, it's been a while. But it looks like I am back! YEA! The sad thing is....once everyone sees this, it will be a week after I posted it! Well, whatever.

p.s. this picture is of me at girlie camp, I was the scarecrow at the skit night thing!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Zion's National Park

I like to call this rock "The Tiki upon Tiki":P

So....since it is Spring Break (YES!!!) we decided to go to Zion's National Park. We camped at the Watchmen's...camping place. It was fun. We left at 6:30 in the morning on Monday and got there at about 3:00 (or something). Anyways, on Monday we just hung out while mom and dad went grocery shopping. Tuesday was the day we went driving and got a few more things. On Wednesday we went on The Weeping Rock hike and the Riverwalk hike. It was fun but FREEZING. I was the stupid person that always seems to forget their jackets when it is most needed! Yep. I seem to be the one that does that...EVERY TIME! By the way, I just had to do what my older sisters did.....give all of the resurection moss a wake up call!:)

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Aine Bonnie #1 Birthday Party

thank you, thank you very much!

Woa. Wasn't that a long title! Anyways, so today was Aine's birthday party. She was so cute (so was Charity) and I got some really cute pictures. We all had cake and ice that one word? So yeah it was very much fun, as yoda would say. Aine is so cute...she couldn't wait to get her hands on the cupcake deliciousnous!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Job Shadow???

Sorry Charity, I copied your tittle. Well, so for school I had to job shadow someone. I was going to do my fifth grade teacher....but whatever. I am glad I did Charity(as a stay @ home mom). She had a, as dad would say it, blast! Here are some cute/hilarious videos.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Rachel Ray!

Okay, so I think that most of you know that I love Ratchel Ray! She is a fantastic cook and she is very creative. So tonight I made one of her kid recipes. It tasted wasn't my best. That darn sauce wouldn't reduce!!! Oh well, here are some pics.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Morgan-5!!!!!

Woa! Morgan is already five! I can remember we she was just a baby and she was wiggling uncontrolably in my arms!!! Oh well, no looking back now. Reach for the stars Morgan!

Hilarious Video!!!

So, Abraham and I had way oo much fun and so lip sing songs. We could only upload one on and sorry, it isn't even in fast or slow motion! But here is the website...just copy and paste!

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year's Eve

So...I had probably one of my favorit-est New Year's Eve! Most of the family was there and we had a great time! As you can see I took plenty of hilarious and expressive photos for you all. Ginny, Morley, Charity, Dave, Morgan, Teagan, Sandon, Faith, Spencer, Aine, Cheryl, Reed, and Ashton were all there at Ginny and Morley's house. Happy New YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!