Monday, January 17, 2011

Vlog Tuesday 2

Well, crap...I forgot to wait until tomorrow to publish this...oh well.


Ginny said...

Catie I DEMAND more Anie videos they are so funny and I can't stop watching them. I DEMAND THEM!!!

Catherine and Josh said...

Well, almighty then. Ha ha! Did you like the picture of the day? ;) good times :D

Unknown said...

It's your mommy's your that my precious?...I love you...

The Woodlands said...

Mom needs a picture. Anyway, I have an idea for the light problem. What if you taped a piece of paper from the lamp so that it just softens the glare a little. And PLEASE TELL THE STORY!!!! I was crying because I was laughing so hard. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! TELL THE STORY! An that voice chager is wicked awesome,watch out owl city.

The Woodlands said...

P.S. Mom's comment make so much more sense now that I watched the second video. Ha ha ha, Mom, you're so funny! Ok, yeah.

The Anna said...

Those Sun Chip bags are so awesome, if you don't want to talk to someone just pull out some chips!! haha! Also, I think you should do a vlog all in sign language ;)