Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Picture of the Day #3

Please excuse the fact that this was published one day after it was suppose to....hee hee. Any ways....


Faith said...

I really like the flower picture, but I can't figure out what's going on in the 2nd picture.

The Woodlands said...

Did you take that picture of the tulip!? It's so pretty! Is that one mom had in her garden? I want tulips next spring, I'm going to plant a whole bunch. Do you want to help me? We could make a weekend of it.

Morley and Virginia said...

Yo Catie, way to use my picture! I should charge you for it. No just kidding I am honored that you used my work on your blog. :)

Catherine and Josh said...

sure charity, i'll do that! umm....sorry Ginny!