Saturday, February 28, 2009

Aine Bonnie #1 Birthday Party

thank you, thank you very much!

Woa. Wasn't that a long title! Anyways, so today was Aine's birthday party. She was so cute (so was Charity) and I got some really cute pictures. We all had cake and ice that one word? So yeah it was very much fun, as yoda would say. Aine is so cute...she couldn't wait to get her hands on the cupcake deliciousnous!


Faith said...

I think she cupcakeus! :)

The Woodlands said...

You are such a good photographer. My favorite is the one with the sunglasses in it. Aine is my favorite neice!

Catherine and Josh said...

Thx Charity! I do think she has cupcakeus....or something like that.