Sunday, April 26, 2015

Colardo 2015: #1

This video should actually be called "Morgan thinking it's a picture". Anyways, fun start! A lot of video games.. yea!


The Woodlands said...

Haha! Yeah, I love that the running joke is, "this is a video" and the "doh!" That comes after it. And I know how much Teagan loves to take over the camera. :) I love this video so much and I can't wait to see more. I hope they keep coming 😎

The Woodlands said...

And I love how much the grandparents look like they're having fun too. Rock on video. You're da bomb

Allison said...

I love this video! Tears are coming. I miss road trips with your family more than anything. Also, those girls are much too beautiful and perfect.