Saturday, November 27, 2010

Pop-Up Video!

It's finally here! Can you tell Charity "Helped" edit this video??? ;) jk! DON'T FORGET TO VOTE ON THE POLL! DO IT!


The Woodlands said...

SUCK!!! I had a whole message written for you and then I had to sign you out so I could sign back in as myself and then I lost the whole message I had written for you. So! Yeah! What the heck?! Well, I'm not going to retype it. You're just going to have to be happy with this stupid and lame message I haVE HERE FOR YOU!. Sorry, my capslock was on. Anyway, I'm so tired and I think I'm going to fall off my chair soon. You keep me up waaaaaaaay tooo late, you know. So goodnight world.

Catherine and Josh said...

Ha ha! That's funny, but now I'm really curious on what you originally wrote! SUCK!!!!!!! Ha ha!

The Woodlands said...

By the way, you're lucky if I spend over $20 on a birthday gift. And the funniest gifts I used to get was the first pick of my sibling's Halloween candy.

Faith said...

I love the Pop up video idea, please, please repeat. I was hilarious! I was thinking about your Halloween candy B-day gifts today Charity while discussing my combo B-day/Christmas gifts. Ya, we are cheap. Anyway, loved this blog and the logo

Rondi said...

the logo is amazing. sorry I'm late commenting!