Friday, April 23, 2010



The Woodlands said...

okie dokie hokie pokie. I love long vlogs because then I get to make my comment list as I watch.
1. Love the glasses
2. BOOOO! Be nice to Allison
3. Mo is too old to watch Barney
4. Watch out. ONe day you will be old like crazy Mr. McMullin and have to sit on a quilt because you have butt problems. HA HA!
5. Did you get in trouble for being in there when he walked in or did you sweet talk your way out of it?
6. Why would we reccommend favorite old movies to you when we know that you guys are just going to scrutinize them and laugh at our beloved movies? Riddle me that.
7. I was the fan with the car, your security sucks!

Catherine and Josh said...

Thanks about the glasses! Okay, so truth is..I just wanted to use the BOO effect so I burst out in insults...SORRY! I know, I know. But right now..we're young and crazy so...yeah! Um...well, as you know, Mr. Mcmullin doesn't know what's going on most of the we kinda just slipped out of there. We want to see your old movies so that we can learn old words. Sorry, security is expensive these days!

Faith said...

I'm still speachless.

Catherine and Josh said...

oh hee.

Abby said...

Nice glasses!!! And the sound effects were cool!!! I can't believe you two didn't get in trouble in mr. mcmullins!!!

Catherine and Josh said...

i know..ha ha! thanks! ha ha! our "audience"