Sunday, March 21, 2010

2 vlogs in the Same Day!

Wow, this is so amazing. This vlog is definitely more awkward then the first.
Okay let me explain, Abe is and was being annoying..just kidding..(he's sitting right next to me). HE DESERVED THAT SLAP!


The Woodlands said...

Yeah, this one is awesome. I love the special effects! And I love that I get to be a part of it, vicariously. And I also love the random popping!!! HA HA HA HA! I made that random popping! I was technically in the vlog!

The Woodlands said...

By the way, you need to update the pictures of your nieces and nephews. PRONTO!

Catherine and Josh said...

I know I do..need to update...blah. I know! Ha ha! You are randomly in the vlog! :P "pop!" If you listen, in the background at the beginning you can hear Abe's annoying Pop Song.

The Anna said...


Catherine and Josh said...

ha ha! yeah...i slap pretty loud..

Morley and Virginia said...

I like the special effects too but you should really not hit Abe like that, at least not on camera because no he has evidence.

Catherine and Josh said...

i know...but you should've been there. he was being SO ANNYOING!