Saturday, October 11, 2008


Is everyone preparred to read this? Okay then, were we go!

Rules: Link the person that tagged you, Ginny. Mention these rules on your blog. Tell 6 unspectacular quirks about yourself and tag 6 fellow bloggers. (sorry I used Charity's rules).

1. If my hands aren't moisterized I got completely crazy! I don't know why, I just get really angery if I don't have lotion.

2. I can't stand eating off of wood. If I am at Panda or whatever I have to bite off the food.

3. I also can't stand when people scratch paper. GIVES ME THE CHILLS!!!

4. If I have toast, I have to have butter on all the little spaces. It drives me crazy if I don't have butter on most of the bread.

5. Sometimes when I turn off my alarm in the mornings. I turn it off and then just go back to sleep. I know, I am usually a morning person ;).

6. I am such a perfectionest! I don't like anything that is not where it is suppose to be where it is suppose to be, I try to fix it. ALTHOUGH if it is to a certain degree I do not fix it. I guess I am just too lazy. :$


The Woodlands said...

You are so funny, I especially love the messy room picture. That's what Morgan's room looks like right now. By the way, I love the new background too.

Catherine and Josh said...
