Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Cute Prayer Doll

Today at activity days we made these cutie cute for cute Prayer Dolls! To people who don't know what those are......they are dolls you put on your bed so you can remember to pray. I made a green one with a whole french chef kind of theme. I think it is really cute and it is good for little kids so they can remember to say their prayers. And Charity, this would be a really fun thing to do for activity days.


The Woodlands said...

Thanks for the idea! I'll bring it up with my girls, I think they would like to do something like that. I'll have to get directions on how to make them from you. You're so cutie-cute for cute.

Morley and Virginia said...

this reminds me of when we were little mom made us these really pretty and really heavy (at the time)prayer rocks it was the same idea you would hit your head on the rock when you layed down to go to bed and the pain in your head would tell you you forgot to say your prayer. They were with washed with flowers and our names painted on them. It was fantastic.